Where to view Judging Progress and Scores

To view Judging Progress and Scores, go to ‘Judging Results’ found under ‘Judging’

Judging Scores

This section at the top of the ‘Judging Results’ page is where you will find an overview of rankings for all teams for which scores have been submitted. This table consists of the following information: Team Number, Team Name, Submission Name, number of Scores Entered, and the Total Score. 

Tip: This table will automatically be sorted by Team Number. To sort by the final scores, click on the arrows next to ‘Total Score’ and easily find the team with the highest scores.

Judges Status

This is where you can keep track of the Judges’ progress toward scoring the submissions they have been assigned. You will see the Judges’ names, the Criteria each Judge is using, and whether or not they have submitted their scores. 

Tip: This will be a great resource for you to identify which Judge(s) have not yet submitted their scores. 

Judging Scores Download

At the bottom of the ‘Judging Results’ page, you will see a button labelled ‘Download Judging Scores’. You can download this CSV for a breakdown of the following:

  • Each Judge's cumulative score for each team they have evaluated
  • A breakdown of each Judge's cumulative score by criterion 
  • Total score for each of the teams that have submitted/been evaluated
  • Team feedback and notes from each of the Judges (only appears if included by the Judge during the evaluation process)