Registrants will Participate as Teams

If your challenge or event is designed to have registrants participate in teams (as opposed to individuals), here is what you’ll need to do:

  1. Go to ‘Team Settings" found under "Challenge Design".
  2. Under "Registrants will participate as", select "Teams". By selecting this, registrants will be participating and submitting as a team. Note that this can also include single-member teams!

Team Formation Settings

Allow Participants to Form their Own Teams: Turn this off if you will be forming teams on behalf of participants. Turning this on to allow participants to form their own teams will open a few more components which you should consider (outlined below).

Prompt Team Creation on Registration: Turning this on will prompt participants to create a team upon registration and speed up team formation. This will not be mandatory, so participants will be able to revisit team formation by clicking ‘Create a Team’ on their vertical menu. Do not use this feature if you have a waitlist. 

Allow Team Invitations to be Sent to Registered Participants: Turning this on will allow participants to send team invitations to other registered participants. They will be able to do this by going to My Team > Add Teammates and entering the email address of those they would like to invite. If this is turned off, they will not be given the option to enter email addresses and send invites.

Allow Team Invitation to be Send to Non-Registered Participants: Turning this on will allow participants to spread the word faster and invite participants who are not yet registered to join their team. Note that to unlock this feature, you will need to upgrade to the next tier on the Hackworks Platform and set up an "External Team Invitation" email in Communications Setup.

Team Size

Enter a minimum and maximum for the number of participants allowed to be on a team. If you want to include single-member teams, enter 1 as the Minimum Team Members.

Note: If participants are allowed to send team invites, the number of invites that can be accepted will be restricted by the number entered for the Maximum Team Members.

Feature Visibility

Visible Team Page: Turn this on to display team pages for all registered participants to discover. This will add a ‘Find a Team’ page to the challenge platform. Team details on the team page will include a team image, a list of members on the team, the challenge selected if applicable, the ability to message a team, and the option to click ‘Request to Join’ to join a specific team. 

Note: ‘Allow Team Invitations to be Sent to Registered Participants’ must be turned on for participants to be able to click ‘Request to Join’ as they view team pages.

Visible Participant Profiles: Turning this on will add a ‘Participants’ page to the challenge platform for all registered participants. This page displays participant profiles and allows participants to message one another through the platform and/or invite others to join their team. 


Important: ensure you click ‘Save Changes’ for updates to be reflected on the challenge platform.

For details on what the "Challenge Selection" section on the "Team Settings" page entails, learn more here